Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hi. My name is Eboni. I am 8 years old, turning 9 one January 23. I was born on January 23, 2004. I have two awesome sisters Emani and Erika. I have two awesome parents Shontae Blocker and Isaac Blocker. I have a best friend that is my favorite. She's Brittany and another one is Eric.  My family says I'm a diva. I love to dress up people, play dolls with my sister and go to school. I like being a diva. I like to because I can tell my family members which is best to wear.  Now, here is a song I like to play when I act like a rock star diva.


Emani (Top Left) Me (Bottom Left) Erika (Right) Mom (Middle) 


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Live, Love Laugh the passion

My name is Eboni. I am Shontae's daughter, nicknamed "Monkey". I am glad my mom let me post on her blog. I love to write about things I love. 
So this blog is about fashion. I know that fashion is about being pretty and you put pretty styles to any outfit you always wanna be pretty if you were a diva. I am doing fashion because I love being pretty and having beautiful clothes. If you're a diva you should be a stylist because we ROCK! Now i hope most of you people
look at my blog and my pictures!

This is a beatiful necklace!!